who we are

Friends of Reay (FoR) is a parent and staff association managed by an annually elected committee of Reay Primary School in Lambeth.

We are organised as a charitable trust and through this are able to apply for more substantial grants which widens the funding opportunities open to us.

All parents, carers and members of staff are very welcome to join and get involved in our fundraising activities.

Our History

Friends of Reay (FoR) was founded by a handful of parents in 1990 to help other parents with reusing and recycling old school uniforms.

Since then, the Charity has been raising funds for school trips, equipment and events through different activities for over 30 years.

Our Members


Our Board of Trustees are responsible for the control and strategic direction of the charity. They meet each term, receiving no remuneration, payments or benefits from the Charity.

Class Repesentatives

Class representatives liaise with the parents of each class, keeping them informed of Friends of Reay (FoR) activities and events. They also pass on any ideas and requests from parents to Charity trustees.



Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6